Oct 3, 2010

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This blog has been designed for several purposes (mainly as a platform for my personal issues, but also to share some interesting information or thoughts). So, do not surprise if you find it a little messy; my mind usually jumps from one subject to another with no previous warning, and so the topics of this blog.

Whether you want to get acquainted with a particular topic, I’ve also composed four other blogs: one concerning Taekwondo (TKD Resources for Free) and the Academies I used to attend (Club de Taekwondo Ñun-Sa-Ya and Nambu Hwarang TKD Kwan) the fourth is about my doctoral research (Agricultural Lands Assessment of Nitrogen (ALAN) Model), and the fifth is a children's tale (Aventuras de la Llamita Prosperina) inspired in a beloved llama-faced ex-girlfriend, which is dedicated to all children and seniors still possessing a child's spirit.

No more words, and feel free to explore my particular states of mind…  Cheers!

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